Online Examination Management System integrated with
OnMark - Online marking facilitation services
COEMPT EDUTECK offers end-to-end examination management service for any university/educational institution which includes the following service components.
- Automation of Pre-examination processes
- Secure delivery of question papers online
- Answer script scanning
- On-line evaluation of scanned answer script
- Automation of Post-examination processes
Examination management projects require a customer-centric approach i.e., a thorough understanding of the unique requirements of the university/educational institution, flexibility in designing a customized solution, capabilities of managing a large scanning and online evaluation operation and ensuring high level of data-security. Having handled many examination projects, COEMPT EDUTECK can ensure a successful delivery of examination project.
COEMPT EDUTECK's unique OnMark – online evaluation service is delivered using feature-rich online marking software. We train all the stake-holders on the features of the software and help the university optimize on exam management costs.
Some notable features of Online Marking Service
- Question-wise segmentation of answer scripts should be possible
- Single user interface for exception handling processes
- Screen space maximization for better marking / evaluation possibilities
- Thumbnail navigation feature
- Marking guidance display
- Annotation based marking possibilities or Direct entry marking
- Administrator privileges to add or remove markers based on their performance
- Possibility for marker to review their past marking
- Automatic monitoring of markers performance through moderated answers
- All round quality checks through sampling rate adjustment while marking or on the basis of individualized marker performance
- Configurability in applying marking standards that includes and revolves around sampling interval, tolerance and escalation methodology
- Audit reporting per examiner
- Provision for the senior markers to intervene in the marking process to check quality of marking